Remember to renew your Medicaid coverage. Click here for your state's Medicaid home page.

Money Management Survey for Adults with Disabilities

Money Management Survey for Adults with Disabilities

In a recent survey conducted by True Link Financial in partnership with Quality Trust and Autistic Self Advocacy Network, more than 75% of the respondents think that their disability makes it hard to manage their finances. The areas of most difficulty are budgeting and spending, specifically tracking how much money was already spent and how much is still left.

Another cause for concern is exploitation by others who control some aspect of their finances. Almost 20% of respondents reported being taken advantage of by a relative, friend, or caretaker. Around 17% said that they experienced being targeted by identity theft, fraud, and scams.

Fortunately, people with disabilities can use tools to help them handle their money and protect themselves from opportunistic individuals. These tools include setting up automatic bill payment, creating a bank account with someone they trust, and enabling text/email reminders of spending activities vs. allocated budget.

In addition to this, they can also use the services of a fiscal agent solutions provider like us at Acumen Fiscal Agent. Our goal is to empower people with disabilities with tools to help manage their finances.

For your reference, here are the main questions from the survey. These will help you assess your current money management methods and identify key areas for improvement:

  1. How is your money managed?
  2. What challenges do you face when dealing with money?
  3. What type of service or tool could help you with these challenges?

Understanding your current situation is the first step in attaining your financial goals. Contact Acumen Fiscal Agent, and get the financial assistance you deserve.