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Update on the Elizabeth Dole Home Care Act

On December 5, 2023, the Elizabeth Dole Home Care Act was passed by the U.S. House and officially received by the Senate. This bill proposes changes to the home care and caregiver programs provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). While the bill still needs a favorable vote in the Senate and then President Biden’s signature to become law, Acumen Fiscal Agent would like to briefly summarize its many advantages for veterans seeking home health care.

Update on the Elizabeth Dole Home Care Act

What is the Elizabeth Dole Home Care Act?

The Elizabeth Dole Home Care Act proposes several changes to how the VA provides nursing home care and Veteran-Directed Home- and Community-Based Services (VA-HCBS), along with addressing current deficits within each program. 

Proposed Home Health Care Changes

Below are the proposed changes that will meet the needs of the increasing number of veterans seeking VA-HCBS, including:

  • The total cost for alternatives to nursing home care may not exceed 100% of the cost of similar care by the VA. (Current law limits these costs to 65% of the VA nursing home care expense.) 
  • The VA may approve exceeding the 100% limit if certain veterans require specialized care for conditions the Secretary approves.

Proposed Requirements for Delivery of Care

The VA will also be required to adopt new policies that provide higher-quality care services, including:

  • Collaborate with the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly, which administers comprehensive medical and social services when providing nursing home alternative services.
  • Implement programs like Veteran-Directed Care to ensure access to VA-HCBS.
  • Deliver support and benefits to caregivers of eligible veterans living with disabilities.
  • Oversee a pilot program that provides veterans with home health services when living in communities that lack this access.
  • Guarantee VA-HCBS access to Native American veterans.

Additional Proposed Changes

Within the Elizabeth Dole Home Care Act are additional updates that will take effect if the bill becomes law, such as:

  • Caregiver support coordinators must be available to guide veterans as they transition from the Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers to suitable and appropriate healthcare programs.
  • The VA will also be required to review various programs run by the Office of Geriatric and Extended Care to ensure they are managed correctly, offer veterans access to VA-HCBS, and reduce medical service gaps.

Advocating for Veteran-Directed Care

Acumen Fiscal Agent provides robust fiscal management services across the country to aging adults, veterans living with disabilities, and individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We proudly work with our partners to offer personalized self-direction services to their members. Contact us at (877) 211-3738 to learn more. You can read the Elizabeth Dole Home Care Act in detail by visiting

Source: H.R.542 – Elizabeth Dole Home Care Act of 2023. Web page. Library of Congress. Web. 04 Mar. 2024.