The worker should contact their Agent directly and they will help troubleshoot or reset their PIN. If you do not know your Agent, please contact our call center (877) 901-5826.
The Participant will need to contact your Agent. If you do not know your Agent, please contact our call center
(877) 901-5826.
The worker should add missed entries in our DCI Web Portal.
For direct steps on editing your visit, please see our DCI Employer Entries & Reason Code guide found on our EVV resources page.
Utilize DCI’s Mobile App Offline Mode. Offline Mode allows the end user to use the Mobile App on a registered device when the device is not connected to the internet or loses connection while the app is in use. You will be limited in what you can do when you’re in Offline Mode.
You can use Offline Mode on a registered device. Your registered device is the first device you use to login to the Mobile App. You can only have one registered device. If you need to change your device, please contact your Acumen Agent or Customer Service.
The Mobile App will check for an internet connection and automatically switch to Offline Mode if it can’t connect or loses connection. A banner will display across the top of the Mobile App screen when it is in Offline Mode. You don’t need to do anything to switch to Offline Mode.
The only tasks you can do in Offline Mode is to Clock In/Out in real-time, which includes:
a. Selecting Clock In.
b. Completing EVV on an open punch.
c. Selecting Clock Out.
All other tasks are unavailable in Offline Mode. Unavailable tasks will be grayed out and you will not be able to select them. Also, sensitive information that is usually displayed will be shortened or blank for security reasons. This includes details such as Client name, remaining balance, if all business rules were met, successful EVV PIN verification, etc. Users must be connected to the internet to view those details.
To make a real-time punch in Offline Mode:
- Select “Clock In” on the Home screen as usual.
- Complete Clock In information and select “Continue.” Please note that the Client Name is shortened in Offline Mode for security purposes.
- Select “Confirm Clock In.”
- Complete Clock In Verification. If necessary
- At the end of your shift, select “Continue to Clock Out.”
- Complete Clock Out Verification.
- Select “Confirm Clock Out.”
On some occasions, an internet connectivity error will be displayed, and the Mobile App will not work in Offline Mode. This means there’s an issue with your device registration and you will need to contact your Acumen Agent. If you do not know your Agent, please call Customer Service for assistance (877) 901-5826.
Maximum # of Punches = 14
Maximum # of Days = 7
Reconnect to the internet and sync your punches. This resets the offline punch thresholds.
The app will assess the connection and automatically switch to offline mode when needed.
Follow the same workflow as you do when connected to the internet. No change is needed.
Please call your assigned Agent. If you do not have an Agent yet, please contact our call center (877) 901-5826