Categories: Acumen News

What is a Fiscal Agent?

When it comes to your personal finances, you often work with a fiscal agent. In this
case, an agent is not a single individual, but an actual organization. At Acumen Fiscal
Agent, we perform very specific tasks for clients such as yourself, so understanding
what we do is important.

What is a Fiscal Agent?

Fiscal agents are financial organizations that act on your behalf in order to conduct
specific money-related tasks. These tasks range from redeeming bonds, replacing
damaged securities, taking care of tax issues, and so on. If there is a specific financial
requirement you need taken care of, a fiscal agent performs it.

The Fiscal Agent Difference

A bank or credit union can perform some tasks at your request. These can include the
purchase or redemption of bonds, CDs, and other financial assets. While both bank and
credit unions can serve as fiscal agents, specialized fiscal agents like Acumen generally
differ. This is because most fiscal agents work in the non profit sector. That way, you
know they do not have the same conflicts of interest as a bank or credit union.

Acumen Fiscal Agent

At Acumen Fiscal Agent, we specialize in working with individuals with disabilities and their families. We have been open for over 20 years and continue to grow and provide services throughout the United States. When you are in need of specialized financial assistance, it doesn’t matter if it’s standard tax issue, help with cashing in bonds, or another monetary situation all together, Acumen Fiscal Agent is here to assist you every step of the way. If you’re ready to take your finances to the next level or simply have a question about Acumen and what we do, contact us today!


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